The process of wet mass finishing generates a discharge of the processing liquid, which comprises of the metal fines, abrasives, compound and in some instances, oil due to the condition of the parts. ActOn suggests having a suitable waste water solution in place as a responsible measure towards the environment and also to facilitate recycling in certain applications and reduce processing costs. However, there may be cases when recycling of processed water is not possible.
For both cases ActOn Finishing has developed waste water solution treatment products such as the Batch and Automatic Centrifuge, Recirculation Tanks, Settlement Tanks With or Without Pumps and Consumables for Effluent Treatment.
Finishing cost calculatorFor further technical specifications on our Waste Water Treatment range, please download our brochure.
If you would like to receive a Free Trial, please complete the below form to help us determine the optimum effluent treatment solution for your process. After completing the request form, post your sample effluent along with the completed form to: ActOn Finishing Limited, 213 Torrington Avenue, Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 9HN, United Kingdom
DOWNLOAD BROCHUREStart condition of the discharge liquid post process:
Required results post-treatment:
Post-treatment results using the ActOn Water Treatment Solutions: