At ActOn Finishing we offer a wide range of shot blasting machines to help our customers achieve the surface finish they need every time. Whether you require to descale, remove corrosion, mill scale, paint or rust, achieve a smooth finish, deflash, polish or strengthen the metal we will offer you full support every step of the way.
Our specialists have decades of experience in this field, and are here to offer you a complete ActOn experience. From the free consultation and process trials which will ensure the finishing results are as per your requirements, to finding the right shot blasting machine and abrasive consumables and offering outstanding after-sales services, we will be able to provide you with the right answers and solutions.
The ActOn Powertrack Junior is a Mobile Abrasive Blast System, designed to allow customer to easily blast in different locations. Built for metal and stone blasting applications, this blasting equipment is suitable for blasting inside and outside corners.
ActOn Powertrack is an economical and mobile shot blasting solution, which can be used with different types of fine-grained media. The ergonomic design and the application of advanced components in a compact construction guarantees a perfect system.
The ActOn Mobile Blasting Room includes a mobile blast container and the LP2500 unit. After a quick installation, you can start blasting without the need for additional structures.
The ECO Blasting Series includes an economical range of Suction Blast and Pressure Blast machines. These machines have been designed to allow you to minimise your investment while enjoying the benefits of a good quality shot blasting machine.
The DI Suction Blasting machines are part of the ActOn Premium Blasting Series. These cabinets are equipped with a cyclone, which guarantees that the abrasive is cleaned perfectly. The suction blast pistol ensures, in combination with the mixing chamber, a constant optimum mix of pressurised air and abrasive, to offer an effective and efficient blasting process.
The DP Pressure Blasting includes a pressure pot equipped with a dosage cylinder, which always ensures the right mix of abrasive and pressurised air. Also, the dosage cylinder controls a constant flow of an abrasive, even at the start of the blast process. This results in an effective and efficient blast process.
The AWB is a wet blasting cabinet ergonomically designed for easy operation in sitting or standing position, for cleaning, descaling, deburring, roughening, oil or grease removal, die cleaning.
The NP Wet Blasting cabinets are equipped with a special pump that achieves a constant flow of blast media and water to the blast nozzle. The media and water is mixed with pressurised air to add extra power and speed to the mix. The result is a very smooth finished component.
The AM Blasting series has been developed for de-powdering, shot peening and smooth finishing of 3D printed metal and polymer components. These cabinets can be used for a wide range of parts: from small to large components, to individual or large batches of additive manufactured pieces.
The WSB blasting machine is suitable for shot blasting automotive alloy wheels, in a shorter period of time. This automated blasting cabinet has been designed to be simple to operate and produce excellent results.
The NF range includes the NF-MI9 and NF-MP9 sandblasting cabinets, specifically built for effortlessly sandblasting small components, for industries like aerospace, maintenance and more.
Using the electro shot blasting technology, DLyte eBlast machine is perfect for surface finishing parts with intricate shapes and for achieving a mirror finish.
The Automated Wet Blasting machine is designed for blasting of shafts prior to coating. The system consists of two blasting lines which can blast up to 70mm Ø shafts. Parts travel through the blast chamber and then enter the water wash chamber to remove any residue that may be on the components. The parts are then air dried before exiting.
ActOn Automated Shot Blasting equipment reduce manual handling and ensure a consistent process. Our automated systems are operator friendly, and can be custom built to suit your needs.