Premium NP Wet Blasting Cabinets

The NP Wet Blasting cabinets are equipped with a special pump that achieves a constant flow of blast media and water to the blast nozzle. The media and water is mixed with pressurised air to add extra power and speed to the mix. The result is a very smooth finished component. The water and abrasive are collected in a funnel, and the pump provides an agitation so that the abrasive continues to “float”. These machines can be used with all kinds of inert abrasives.

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Key Benefits of Premium NP Wet Blasting Cabinets

  • Dust-free blast process
  • De-grease and blast in one process
  • Almost zero impression of the abrasive in the surface
  • Premium NP Wet Blasting Cabinets from ActOn Finishing.

Optional Extras

  • Air-driven pump in the settling tank to re-use the waste water for cleaning parts and rinsing the window.
  • Rail transport system
  • Fixed turntable for blast chamber
  • Wet cyclonic media clarification


Technical Specifications

For further technical specifications on our Premium NP Wet Blasting Cabinets, please download our brochure.


Premium NP Wet Blasting Cabinets Finishing Applications

The NP Blasting cabinets are perfect for applications such as cleaning, descaling, deburring, roughening, oil or grease removal, die cleaning as dimensions are not affected, or to achieve a smoother surface in compliance with HACCP.


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