ActOn Finishing Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine UK is designed to clean, descale and strip a large range of components. It's perfect for a range of industries such as automotive, aerospace, energy, electronics, food, graphics, jewellery, manufacturing, marine, mould cleaning, medical, optical and more. This technology includes a Laboratory Series, Work Table Range, Manual Ultrasonic Machines, PRO Series, Multi-Stage Systems, ANILOX Series, BR-FOOD Range and Special Ultrasonic Equipment.
DOWNLOAD BROCHUREThe Laboratory Series includes the compact ultrasonic equipment ranging from 3 to 30 litres. It has been designed to provide the most efficient ultrasonic cleaning technology in a lightweight and reduced size.
The Work Table Series offers all the features of the Manual series, making it ideal for small parts in workshops, factories, and industrial settings. Models offered range between 6 L to 30 L.
The Manual Series is known for its high cleaning power and maximum energy efficiency. This machine has been built with models from 60 Litres to 8000 Litres.
Streamline your cleaning process with a premium unit equipped with optimised ultrasonic technology. PRO Standard models are available in sizes ranging from 150 to 8000 litres.
We specialise in creating custom-designed and manufactured multi-stage ultrasonic cleaning systems that cater to each client’s unique cleaning and treatment requirements.
The Automatic Multi-Stage (AMS) series comprises multi-phase installations that carry out all processes fully automated. We engineer and fabricate bespoke AMS systems tailored to the specifications of our clients.
BR-MOLD series has been built based on the extensive experience gathered while working with manufacturers from the sector, delivering optimal results for injection molds made of zamak, magnesium, plastic, rubber, and other materials.
ANILOX Series has been created as an ultrasonic cleaner machine for rollers and sleeves. This ultrasonic system provides a definitive solution for the cleaning and maintenance of these rollers.
The BR-FOOD Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines UK line has been specially designed for maximum cleaning, sanitising and disinfection results. We manufacture both single-stage and multi-stage automatic machines.
At ActOn Finishing, we excel in developing tailored solutions, like the Special Series Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines UK, to meet any customers' needs. Regardless of the type of dirt, shape,
material, or weight of the parts, we consistently deliver the best cleaning and treatment solutions for each customer.