ActOn Finishing 2016 Year in Review

ActOn News, News

Posted on December 21, 2016 by

Another year has flown by already and it has been a good one for ActOn Finishing Ltd. As a sign of appreciation we would like to share a summary of 2016.

Another year has flown by already and it has been a good one for ActOn Finishing Ltd. As a sign of appreciation we would like to share a quick summary of 2016.

Product Innovation

In 2016 our technical team has successfully developed the HT2 vibratory finishing machine, a machine that is optimised for small batch work and delicate components. It’s also simple to install and operate, and is highly efficient. We are pleased to add this machine to our range, as it allows us to provide cost effective solutions for low volume producers. The machine can be moved around and connected up within seconds. Making the machine quiet was a critical aspect of design. It is great that we achieved this, making it suitable to be used in kitchens to factory floors.

For further information on the new HT2 finishing machine click here.

New Brand Image

Since early 2016, we have been in the process of undergoing a number of big changes regarding our branding. We wanted to ensure that our branding reflects not only the ‘Made in Britain’ quality of our products and solutions, but also the vast number of industries we work with. Hence our team in collaboration with the talented team from Rawww have managed to align the branding with our core values, and come up with a fresh image for ActOn. This included a colour code that represents each of the industries ActOn work with, a sleek and professional logo and strapline, new website, outdoor signage, new brochures and much more.

We’re now also reaching to our customers through the social media channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube, where we are posting the latest news, insights and opportunities.

2016 Events

This year our sales and technical team have successfully represented ActOn Finishing at different exhibitions in UK such as Farnborough 2016, Manufacturing & Engineering North East Exhibition and Advanced Engineering Show. The exhibitions saw us present ActOn’s newest mass finishing technology and our team has reported that it has been well received by all who saw it. Our presence at these shows has helped us to raise our profile, generate leads and improve the relationships with our customers.

Our November Open House day, which took place at ActOn Finishing Coventry, was a success. We met some great people who had the opportunity to understand finishing and our products in more detail. Due to popular demand, we will be having another one next year!

It has been a big year for ActOn Finishing and we’re looking forward to continuing our success in 2017. For now though, all of the team here wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year

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